Team List for NWVCL

Active Teams
Team CodeNameDivision/League
Bghamtn B-W BinghamtonU B-WNWVCL-Central
Canisius A-W Canisius Co A-WNWVCL-Central
Colby-W Colby College-WNWVCL-Central
Columbia-W Columbia U-WNWVCL-Central
CornellU B-W Cornell U B-WNWVCL-Central
Fordham-W Fordham U-WNWVCL-Central
Hofstra-W Hofstra U-WNWVCL-Central
Iona-W Iona U-WNWVCL-Central
LaFayette-W LaFayette C-WNWVCL-Central
Millersville-W Millersville U-WNWVCL-Central
Monmouth-W Monmouth U-WNWVCL-Central
MontclSt-W Montclair St U-WNWVCL-Central
NiagaraU-W Niagara U-WNWVCL-Central
Princeton-W Princeton U-WNWVCL-Central
RPI-W Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst-WNWVCL-Central
Rider-W Rider U-WNWVCL-Central
RIT-W Rochester Inst-WNWVCL-Central
Rowan-W Rowan U-WNWVCL-Central
Rutgers B-W Rutgers U B-WNWVCL-Central
SetonHall-W Seton Hall-WNWVCL-Central
StJoseph-W St Josephs U-WNWVCL-Central
StevensInst-W Stevens Inst of Tech-WNWVCL-Central
SUNYBrkpt-W SUNY-Brockport-WNWVCL-Central
SUNYCrtl B-W SUNY-Cortland B-WNWVCL-Central
SUNYFred-W SUNY-Fredonia-WNWVCL-Central
SUNYGen-W SUNY-Geneseo-WNWVCL-Central
SUNYOsw-W SUNY-Oswego-WNWVCL-Central
StonyBrook A-W SUNY-Stony Brook A-WNWVCL-Central
StonyBrook B-W SUNY-Stony Brook B-WNWVCL-Central
Temple B-W Temple U B-WNWVCL-Central
TrinityCo-W Trinity Co-WNWVCL-Central
UBuff B-W U Buffalo B-WNWVCL-Central
UConn B-W U Connecticut B-WNWVCL-Central
Delaware B-W U Delaware B-WNWVCL-Central
URoch-W U Rochester-WNWVCL-Central
WestNEU-W Western New England U-WNWVCL-Central
Assumption-W Assumption-WNWVCL-East
Bentley-W Bentley U-WNWVCL-East
BrandeisU-W Brandeis U-WNWVCL-East
CConnStU-W Central Connecticut St U-WNWVCL-East
Clark-W Clark U-WNWVCL-East
Clarkson-W Clarkson U-WNWVCL-East
Colgate Colgate U-WNWVCL-East
ConnColl-W Connecticut Coll-WNWVCL-East
JohnsWalesU-W Johnson Wales U-WNWVCL-East
Marist-W Marist C-WNWVCL-East
Merrimack A-W Merrimack-WNWVCL-East
Middlebury-W Middlebury C-WNWVCL-East
ProvRI-W Providence (RI)-WNWVCL-East
Qnpiac-W Quinnipiac U-WNWVCL-East
SNHU-W S New Hampshire U-WNWVCL-East
SacHrt-W Sacred Heart U-WNWVCL-East
SienaC-W Siena C-WNWVCL-East
SConn-W Southern Conn U-WNWVCL-East
Springfield-W Springfield C-WNWVCL-East
Stonehill-W Stonehill-WNWVCL-East
Tufts-W Tufts U-WNWVCL-East
Maine-W U Maine-WNWVCL-East
NewEngl-W U New England-WNWVCL-East
UNHaven-W U New Haven-WNWVCL-East
URI-W U Rhode Island-WNWVCL-East
Vermont-W U Vermont-WNWVCL-East
Wesleyan-W Wesleyan U-WNWVCL-East
WorPolT-W Worcester Poly Inst-WNWVCL-East
Penn A-W Penn U A-WNWVCL-South
Bghamtn A-W BinghamtonU A-WNWVCL-West
Bloomsburg-W Bloomsburg U-WNWVCL-West
BostonC-W Boston C-WNWVCL-West
BostonU-W Boston U-WNWVCL-West
BrownU-W Brown-WNWVCL-West
Bucknell-W Bucknell U-WNWVCL-West
CollNJ-W C of New Jersey-WNWVCL-West
Canisius B-W Canisius Co B-WNWVCL-West
CornellU A-W Cornell U A-WNWVCL-West
DartmouthC-W Dartmouth C-WNWVCL-West
Drexel-W Drexel U-WNWVCL-West
Fairfield-W Fairfield U-WNWVCL-West
Harvard-W Harvard-WNWVCL-West
Ithaca-W Ithaca C-WNWVCL-West
Lehigh-W Lehigh U-WNWVCL-West
Lemoyne-W Lemoyne-WNWVCL-West
NEastern-W Northeastern U-WNWVCL-West
Rutgers A-W Rutgers U A-WNWVCL-West
StBonavU-W St Bonaventure U-WNWVCL-West
SUNYCrtl A-W SUNY-Cortland A-WNWVCL-West
Syracuse A-W Syracuse U A-WNWVCL-West
Syracuse B-W Syracuse U B-WNWVCL-West
Temple A-W Temple U A-WNWVCL-West
UAlbany-W U Albany-WNWVCL-West
UBuff-W U Buffalo-WNWVCL-West
UConn-W U Connecticut-WNWVCL-West
DelawareA-W U Delaware A-WNWVCL-West
UMAmh-W U Mass-Amherst-WNWVCL-West
UMassLow A-W U Mass-Lowell A-WNWVCL-West
NewHamp-W U New Hampshire-WNWVCL-West
WChesterU-W West Chester U-WNWVCL-West
Yale-W Yale U-WNWVCL-West

Inactive Teams
Team CodeNameDivision/League
YorkCPA-W York C-PA-WNWVCL-Central
CHolyCross-W C Holy Cross-WNWVCL-East
Villanova-W Villanova U-WNWVCL-West