Team List for ECVA

Active Teams
Team CodeNameDivision/League
American American UD-I Central
Charleston C of CharlestonD-I Central
CaseWest Case Western Reserve UD-I Central
GrgeWash George Wash UD-I Central
JohnsHopkins Johns HopkinsD-I Central
Navy NavyD-I Central
PennSt A Penn St UD-I Central
Penn A Penn U AD-I Central
Rowan Rowan UD-I Central
Rutgers-NB A Rutgers-New Brnwk AD-I Central
Temple Temple UD-I Central
Delaware A U DelawareD-I Central
Maryland U MarylandD-I Central
Pittsburgh A U Pittsburgh AD-I Central
WVU W Virginia UD-I Central
Bghamtn Binghamton UD-I North
CarletonU Carleton UD-I North
Cornell A Cornell U AD-I North
RPI Rensselaer Polytechnic InstD-I North
RIT Rochester InstD-I North
StBonavU St Bonaventure UD-I North
StonyBrook SUNY-Stony BrookD-I North
Syracuse A Syracuse U AD-I North
UBuff U BuffaloD-I North
OttawaCA U Ottawa CanadaD-I North
ApplStU Appalachian St UD-I South
Duke A Duke U AD-I South
FIU Florida Intl UD-I South
GrgeMason George Mason UD-I South
JMads A James Madison AD-I South
Liberty Liberty UD-I South
NCSU North Carolina St UD-I South
UNCChpHl A U North Carolina-Chapel Hill AD-I South
UNCGreen U North Carolina-GreensboroD-I South
Virginia U VirginiaD-I South
VATech A Virginia Tech UD-I South
FSU Florida State UD-I Southeast
GATech Georgia TechD-I Southeast
Alabama U AlabamaD-I Southeast
Florida U FloridaD-I Southeast
UMiami U MiamiD-I Southeast
SCarolina U South CarolinaD-I Southeast
USFL U South FloridaD-I Southeast
CarnMell Carnegie Mellon UD-II Central
IndianaPA Indiana U PAD-II Central
JohnCarroll John Carroll UD-II Central
Lehigh Lehigh UD-II Central
LoyolaMD Loyola U MarylandD-II Central
Oberlin Oberlin CollegeD-II Central
PennSt B Penn St U BD-II Central
PennStBeh Penn St-BehrendD-II Central
Penn B Penn U BD-II Central
RobertMU Robert Morris UD-II Central
Rutgers-NB B Rutgers-New Brnwk BD-II Central
SlipperyRk Slippery Rock UD-II Central
Delaware B U Delaware BD-II Central
Maryland B U Maryland BD-II Central
UMBC U Maryland-Balt CoD-II Central
Pittsburgh B U Pittsburgh BD-II Central
WVU B W Virginia BD-II Central
YoungstownSt Youngstown St UD-II Central
Adelphi U Adelphi UD-II North
Bghamtn B Binghamton U BD-II North
Canisius Canisius CoD-II North
Clarkson Clarkson UD-II North
Hofstra Hofstra UD-II North
Ithaca Ithaca CD-II North
LIU Long Island UD-II North
NiagaraU Niagara UD-II North
RPI B Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst BD-II North
RIT B Rochester Inst BD-II North
Siena Siena CD-II North
SUNYBrkpt SUNY-BrockportD-II North
SUNYCrtl SUNY-CortlandD-II North
SUNYGen SUNY-GeneseoD-II North
SUNYOsw SUNY-OswegoD-II North
StonyBrook B SUNY-Stony Brook BD-II North
Syracuse B Syracuse U BD-II North
Syracuse C Syracuse U CD-II North
UAlbany U AlbanyD-II North
UBuff B U Buffalo-BD-II North
Rochester U RochesterD-II North
ApplStU B Appalachian St U BD-II South
CWmMary C William & MaryD-II South
CWmMary B C William & Mary BD-II South
Coastal Coastal Carolina UD-II South
ElonU Elon UD-II South
EmHenCo Emory Henry CollD-II South
HighPtU High PointD-II South
JMads B James Madison BD-II South
Liberty B Liberty U BD-II South
ODU Old Dominion UD-II South
UNCChpHl B U North Carolina-Chapel Hill BD-II South
UNCChar U North Carolina-CharlotteD-II South
UNCWlmg U North Carolina-WilmingtonD-II South
Richmond U RichmondD-II South
VCU A Va Commonwealth U AD-II South
VATech B Virginia Tech U BD-II South
VATech C Virginia Tech U CD-II South
WFU Wake Forest UD-II South
Emory EmoryD-II Southeast
FloridaPoly U Florida Polytech UD-II Southeast
GeorgiaStU Georgia State UD-II Southeast
GATech B Georgia Tech BD-II Southeast
Alabama B U Alabama BD-II Southeast
Tampa U TampaD-II Southeast
VanderbiltU Vanderbilt UD-II Southeast

Inactive Teams
Team CodeNameDivision/League
Daemen Daemen C 
Duke B Duke U B 
MonroeCC Monroe Comm C 
SVA Southern Virginia 
StJohnFish St John Fisher C 
Virginia B U Virginia B 
Union Union C 
VirMilIns Virginia Military Inst 
FranciscanU Franciscan UD-I Central
Furman U Furman UniversityD-I Central
Gannon Gannon UD-I Central
GASouthern Georgia Southern UD-I Central
GroveCty Grove City CD-I Central
Citadel The CitadelD-I Central
Towson Towson UD-I Central
MaryWash U Mary WashingtonD-I Central
Auburn Auburn UD-I Southeast
UCFL U Central FloridaD-I Southeast
Tennessee A U Tennessee AD-I Southeast
Salisbury Salisbury UD-II Central
NiagaraCC Niagara Comm CD-II North
SUNYFred SUNY-FredoniaD-II North
SUNYOne SUNY-OneontaD-II North
SUNYOnondagaCC SUNY-OnondagaCCD-II North
USMMA United States Merchant Marine AD-II North
ChrisNewpt Christopher Newport UD-II South
Coastal B Coastal Carolina U BD-II South
RadfordU Radford UD-II South
WFU B Wake Forest U BD-II South
WashLeeU Washington and Lee UD-II South
WCarolU Western Carolina UD-II South
UMiami B U Miami BD-II Southeast
NAlabama U North AlabamaD-II Southeast
UAB UA BirminghamD-II Southeast